Figure 1: Basic topological structure of the nervous system and its sources of information.
(Rosenblatt, 1961)The Perceptron was an artifactual model of the brain that was intended to explain some of its mechanisms without being taken for the brain itself. (In fact, neural networks were conceived by imitating the eye’s rather than the brain’s neurons, and without knowing how the visual cortex actually elaborates visual inputs). Rosenblatt stressed that artificial neural networks are both a simplification and exaggeration of nervous systems and this approximation (that is the recognition of limits in model-based thinking) should be a guideline for any philosophy of the (artefactual) mind. Ultimately Rosenblatt proposed neurodynamics as a discipline against the hype of artificial intelligence.
(Pasquinelli, 2017)Pasquinelli, M. (2017). Machines that Morph Logic: Neural Networks and the Distorted Automation of Intelligence as Statistical Inference. Glass Bead, 1. [link]
Rosenblatt, F. (1960). Mark I perceptron operators’ manual. CORNELL AERONAUTICAL LAB INC BUFFALO NY. [link]
Rosenblatt, F. (1961). Principles of Neurodynamics: Perceptrons and the Theory of Brain Mechanisms. CORNELL AERONAUTICAL LAB INC BUFFALO NY. [link]